Research Scientist at FAIR
181 Freemont St, San Francisco
Resume • Google Scholar • LinkedIn • GitHub • Ph.D. Thesis
I am a Research Scientist at FAIR , working on Embodied AI. Previously, I completed my Ph.D. at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of MIT, advised by Professor Antonio Torralba. Before that, I obtained a double degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications at the CFIS program of UPC.
I am interested in building agents that can assist and collaborate with humans. My research focuses in developing agents that can understand and anticipate human goals, and coordinate with them in performing complex tasks. I also study how to represent humans in simulation environments, including generating realistic motions and plausible high-level behaviors.
If you are interested in these areas, and would like to collaborate, or intern in my team, reach out!
Oct. 2023: Our paper Generating Continual Motion in Diverse 3D Scenes, was accepted to 3DV'2024. |
Oct. 2023: We released Habitat 3.0. |
Jan. 2023: Our work NOPA was accepted to ICRA'2023. |
Oct. 2022: I joined the Embodied AI team at FAIR , to work in human-centered Embodied Intelligence. |
Sep. 2022: I defended my Ph.D. Thesis. |
Jan. 2022: GenRep was accepted to ICLR 2022. |
Apr. 2021: We are organizing the Social AI Virtual Gathering , at ICLR 2021. |
Feb. 2021: We are organizing the Social Intelligence in Humans and Robots Workshop, to be held at ICRA'2021. |
Jan. 2021: Watch-And-Help was accepted to ICLR'2021 as a Spotlight presentation. |
Nov. 2020: Watch-And-Help was accepted to the Cooperative AI Workshop at NeurIPS 2020 as a Best paper award. |
Oct. 2020: We released the code for our Watch-And-Help paper. |
Sep. 2020: We released the new version of VirtualHome, as well as the Unity Source Code. |
Show Older News
2022.10 - Present: | Research Scientist at FAIR Working on the Embodied AI Team |
2016.9 - 2022.9: | Research Assistant, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Advised by Prof. Antonio Torralba |
2019.6 - 2019.8: | Research Intern, Google Cambridge working in Contrastive Learning Advised by Dilip Krishnan, Aaron Maschinot, Aaron Sarna |
2017.6 - 2017.8: | Research Intern, Google Seattle, working in Mobile Computer Vision and Adaptive Inference. Advised by Li Zhang, Yukun Zhu, Maxwell Collins |